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from season #3 of You Know The Place.
Cleo’s Ferry museum & nature Trail
Joel, LD, and some special guests round out season #3 with a visit to a place that’s equal parts whimsy (e.g. Humpty Dumpty), kitschy (e.g. Betty Boop), and positivity (e.g. Jesus Christ).
State street Shops
LD calls an audible and Joel plays along as the YKTP podcast tours an antique store, candle boutique, and card shop in a single plaza in a single day.
Boise Acupuncture co-op
In which LD and Joel get poked first (in their legs, arms, and third eyes) and ask questions later.
Tattoo Shops of Broadway ave
Joel and LD explore a handful of shops down a busy Boise corridor (all within half-mile of each other) and Joel samples the ink at each place.
Ozone Condom Shop
Sometimes, you think you know exactly what you’re walking into. And sometimes you get an education on lubrication and intimate wellness.
Hap Tallman Stockman’s Supply
In the Marie Kondo era, LD and Joel ask the tough questions, like “How many boots does one need?” and “Does this lasso bring me joy?”
double decker espresso & The Tower grill
LD and Joel finally travel to the 2C, having a cup of coffee and a cinnamon bun in a converted bus and lovely brunch in an airport cafe.
Crone’s Cupboard
Joel and LD spend some time at an interactive altar, chat with a witch, and learn that you don’t drink frankincense.
Roots zero waste market
The podcast’s first look at a “before” business, still in the process of building itself out (and branding itself in the process).
Boise army Navy
On the hunt for MREs, Joel and LD find the wool pant, mining gear, and lucha libre mask warehouse they didn’t know they were looking for.